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Q: Did the mayflower set sail from Plymouth England on September 16 1620?
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When did the pilgrims leave Europe?

The Pilgrims left Plymouth, England, for America on the Mayflower on September 16, 1620.

How much did the Mayflower voyage take?

The Mayflower departed from Plymouth, England on September 6, 1620 and arrived at Cape Cod on November 9, 1620.

What year did the Pilgrims leave England?

The Pilgrims left England in 1608 and went to Holland. They considered the Dutch morally bankrupt and left Holland on September 6, 1620 on a ship called the Speedwell. The Speedwell sailed to England to join up with the Mayflower. However, the Speedwell began to leak so badly that it returned to England and its 102 passengers continued on aboard the Mayflower.

What happend on November 11 1620?

in 1620 the Pilgrims from Plymouth England, wrote the mayflower compact, before landing in Plymouth Massachusetts.

What is the name of the ship the pilgrims sailed from Plymouth England into the Plymouth colony in America in 1620?

The Pilgrim Fathers traveled on the Mayflower

When did the mayflower leave England?

It left on September 6th... Look up Mayflower on wikipedia

What happened in 1620?

August 15 1620 the Mayflower departed Southampten England. In September the pilgrams sailed in the Mayflower to settle North America. December the Pilgrims land on what is now known as Plymouth Rock, 23rd construction of Plymouth Colonybegins, 26th Pilgrim Fathers land of what becomes New Plymouth in Massachusetts

When did the pilgrims settle in Plymouth?

The colony was settled in the year 1620 and 1621. Perhaps a New Year or close to one. Also Plymouth was settled by John Smith and the Pilgrims. :-) :-) :-) :-) be happy.

In 1620 what ship went to Plymouth?

The Mayflower landed near Plymouth Massachusetts in 1620.

Where in England did the pilgrims leave in 1620?

They hired the Speedwell in Holland and hired the Mayflower at London, although it was berthed at Southampton. The two ships set sail from Southampton, around August 5, 1620. It soon became evident that the Speedwell was leaking and not seaworthy, so they turned back and put in at Plymouth (in Devon, England). There, some Pilgrims transferred themselves and their goods to the Mayflower and some stayed behind. The Mayflower set sail from the port at Plymouth on September 6, 1620 and arrived at the tip of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, on November 11th; a voyage of 65 days.

When did the voyage of the mayflower take place?

The ship left England in September of 1620 and landed in America in November 1620.

How long did the pilgrims stay on the mayflower?

The Mayflower reached the tip of Cape Cod (now Provincetown, Massachusetts) on Saturday 11 November 1620 after 66 days at sea. They remained at Provincetown for 36 days before leaving for Plymouth across Cape Cod Bay. While in Provincetown, the Mayflower Compact was signed by 41 men. It was an agreement concerning their self government in the new land.