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No. It is a local urban legend that Dr. William W. Mayo, father of the famed Mayo Brothers, used remains taken from a mass grave of Native Americans for academic research. As this was common practice at the time no serous investigations have ever been undertaken, but as Dr. Mayo was a Civil War doctor it stands to reason he would not need to resort to grave robbing for knowledge on the human body.

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Q: Did the mayo brothers steal remains of the native Americans hanged in mankato minnesota in the 1860's?
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5 monuments made of sedmentary rocks?

tere mare many rocks but alll rocks are like rocks they always bscome rocks and roks say with me rocks remains rocks rocks remains rocks rocks remains rocks rocks remains rocksrocks remains rocks rocks remains rocks rocks remains rocks rocks remains rocks rocks remains rocksrocks remains rocksrocks remains rocks vrocks remains rocks v rocks remains rocksrocks remains rocksrocks remains rocksrocks remains rocks v rocks remains rocksrocks remains rocks rocks remains rocksrocks remains rocksrocks remains rocks rocks remains rocksrocks remains rocksrocks remains rocksrocks remains rocksrocks remains rocksvrocks remains rocksrocks remains rocksrocks remains rocks v vrocks remains rocksrocks remains rocks rocks remains rocksrocks remains rocksrocks remains rocksvrocks remains rocks rocks remains rocks rocks remains rocksrocks remains rocks v v rocks remains rocks rocks remains rocks v rocks remains rocks rocks remains rocksrocks remains rocksrocks remains rocksrocks remains rocksrocks remains rocksrocks remains rocksrocks remains rocksrocks remains rocksrocks remains rocks

Does Spock betray Kirk in Star Trek 5?

Well, that would be a bit of a spoiler. But Spock is loyal (ugh, emotion) to his friend and Kirk. So, even though Spock and Sybok are half brothers Spock remains loyal to the Captain.

Did the French Revolution or American Revolution have a greater impact on the world?

I would say American Revolution because it was known as a 'world war' at that time. It also told countries that the 13 colonies were now known as the United Stated is America. The American Revolution had a greater impact. The French Revolution gained strength and motivation from the Americans. The US Constitution remains the oldest document that continues to maintain a democracy. I would agree as well. While the French Revolution seems to be more revered around the world, the fact remains that the French were highly inspired by the Americans' successful revolution less than ten years prior. The Americans showed that it was possible for the people to overtake a monarchy. Of course, the French fell victim to their own revolution as did the English and both restored monarchical-type rulers. The American Revolution remains singular in that it didn't fall into the hands of a dictator/tyrant/monarch.

When was The Remains of the Day - film - created?

The Remains of the Day - film - was created on 1993-11-05.

How much money did The Remains of the Day gross domestically?

The Remains of the Day grossed $22,954,968 in the domestic market.

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