

Did the natives have the same beliefs as he french?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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No. The French were christian and Natives were not

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Q: Did the natives have the same beliefs as he french?
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Did the french get along with the natives?

The French got along with many different kinds of natives. The French usually got along with natives that did what they wanted them to.

What was the french relationship with the natives?

The natives found them very tasty.

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French missionaries who were sent to America to bring Christianity were often attacked. The reactions of the natives could be unpredictable, resulting in many of the Jesuits being tortured and killed. The confrontational style of teaching employed by the Jesuits sometimes caused an backlash from the natives, who also wanted to include their religious beliefs with the teachings.

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The laws were applied equally to Europeans and natives; if a colonist injured or killed an Indian, he was punished as prescribed by the law covering the specific crme. There was no attitude of "It was only an Indian," because Penn and others like him saw the natives as just as human as Europeans, with the same basic human rights. This also gained the respect and trust of the First Americans. So the relationship was good between the Quakers and the indians.

What beliefs french have?

That snails should be eaten and that frogs should be legless. (no only joking they have the same as us

How was the French relationship with the natives different than the Spanish treatment and why was this?

The Spanish came for gold and forced the natives ti work as slaves. The Spanish also killed many native people, either by disease or by shooting them. The French traded with the Natives.

Why did the french expect natives to side with them?

because they were angry i guess

What item of value did the French trade with natives for?

Guns and booze.

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The French look at the Natives as humans to trade with. The Americans saw the Natives as non-human savages and stole their resources.

What dominated early exploration?

Money and wealth. Some people wanted to "enlighten" the natives with their religious beliefs, but mostly they wanted gold (Spanish), fur (French), and land (England). It's much more complicated than that though.

Why did the French have friendlier relation with native American than the Spanish did?

Because the French helped the natives and traded with them

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No, raccoons are not French. They are natives of North and South America. Any raccoons in France were introduced.