

Did the people in concentration camps have any privacy?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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no people in concentration camps did not have privacy for example Anne Frank

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Q: Did the people in concentration camps have any privacy?
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In my experience, Jewish people have never lied about concentration camps. The camps existed without any question.

In the concentration camps how long did you have to be in it?

People were sent to concentration camps without trial and without any sentence. They were held indefinitely.

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yes there was concentration camps in Arizona

Were there black people in concentration camps in World War 2?

i think so all Jewish people homosexuals gypsies and i think colored people were all put in concentration camps

Were there any runaways from concentration camps?

There were runaways from concentration camps. They were horrible, and people kept in them were treated horrendously. However, people who attempted to escape rarely succeeded. Some of them didn't even survive.

What country did not have concentration camps?

All the countries which were not invaded by the Nazis including Britain didn't have any Concentration Camps.

How big were concentration camps?

There was no standard size for concentration camps which were used by the Nazis during World War 2. These camps were of various sizes and could house a few hundred to many thousands of people at any given time.

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The German concentration camps were used to EXECUTE the Jews and the other "inferior races" so I would think that the camps did not have any health rules.

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Where were they killed in the Holocaust?

Usually people were killed in concentration camps or death camps. In these camps, people were worked to death, put in gas chambers, or were shot. Often people caught diseases and died, or they starved to death because they were barely given any food.

What jobs did hannelore have in the concentration camps?

There is no historical evidence or information available to suggest that Hannelore Schmatz had any role or job in a concentration camp. Hannelore Schmatz was a German mountaineer and not associated with the atrocities of the concentration camps.

What did the Nazi do to the people that they didn't like?

They placed them in concentration camps, tortured them, or killed them on the spot without any questions asked