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The pharaoh of Exodus is not identified by name. The most popular candidate is Ramses II, who believed in the polytheistic religion of Egypt, and participated in the Sed festival, where the king was ritually transformed into a god.

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Q: Did the pharaoh believed in religion?
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What made Pharaoh so important in the government?

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Why did religion influence government in ancient Egypt?

The Pharaoh is the highest priest and government official. also the Pharaoh was believed to be half god and man and the child of the gods

Why was religion s important to the people of ancient Egypt?

Well, one of the reasons is that there pharaoh ( ruler ) was believed to be a god or a son/daughter of a god.

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they believed the Pharaoh was the god horus

What Pharaoh only believed in one god?

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What religion did ancient Egyptians believe in?

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It is believed that the pharaoh Horemheb was a commoner, and perhaps a scribe, before he became pharaoh.

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the pharaoh that tried to change egypts religion was Amenhotep who ruled in 1370

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Anubis was never a pharaoh of Egypt, he was a god in the Egyptian religion.

Why did the and commoners alike obey the Pharaoh?

Because they believed that the pharaoh would become a god

What pharaoh changed Egypt's religion to monotheism and ignored his duties because of this religion?

PHARAOH AKHENATON changed Egypt's religion to monotheism. While he refused to propitiate the gods he had banned, he did perform all necessary secular duties of Pharaoh.