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Q: Did the pilgrims or puritans accuse people of witchcraft at the Salem Witch Trails?
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In The Crucible by Arthur Miller who does Abigail accuse of witchcraft?

In The Crucible Abigail accuses Elizabeth of witchcraft.

In his introduction to the play how does miller explain what really motivated the people of Salem to accuse their neighbors about witchcraft?

In his introduction to the play how does miller explain what really motivated the people of Salem to accuse their neighbors about witchcraft?

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She was accused of witchcraft and sorcery, and burned at the stake.

What is the reason that John Proctor gives for why people accuse each other of witchcraft?


What reasons did john proctor give for why people accuse each other of witchcraft?

They want revenge

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To try to keep herself out of trouble

Why did puritans believe that some people were witches?

Well, simply put, A Puritan use to be part of a Catholic Church but had different opinions and wanted a reformation. Some stayed and reformed the church from within. Others, Independents, Separatists, wanted to start a new one by themselves! They are much close or if not is, a pilgrim. As pilgrims are just people that travel due to religious causes. Puritans also try to find a strict, theocracy community. One of such would be Salem, where hysteria and paranoia on witchcraft was then taken greatly. Puritans believe either that you are with God or against God (aka. with the Devil). Those who help the devil, and perform spells and charms are witches. It wasn't really invented but it was something that the Puritans felt strong against. As due to the 19 death via accusing of witchcraft by August 1692, it was mainly due to random accusations. Witchcraft can show no witness, you can be attacked by a ghost sent by a person, and the only thing you can do is, accuse him/her. As of such, it's even harder to prove your innocence, since even if you were elsewhere, you would've send a spirit instead of your physical body.

In the crucible Reverend John Hale uses what three pieces of evidence to accuse Elizabeth Proctor of witchcraft?

Hale does not accuse Elizabeth of Witchcraft. He visits the Proctor household to ascertain how religious they are. He finds three faults; Proctor non attendance at church, youngest son not baptised, and a short fall in John Proctor's knowledge of the Commandments.

Which child lay inert during the majority of Act you only to rise up and accuse others of witchcraft at the end of Act you?

Betty Parris

Which child lay inert during the majority of Act you only to rise up and accuse others of witchcraft at the end of Act?

Ruth Putnam

What motivated people to accuse the neigbours of witchcraft?

Most all historians agree, fear was the motivating factor behind the accusations of witchcraft in Salem Village. Even though the cause of the fear is not known. This era of New Englander believed witches exist and had the power to do harm.

Why did thomas putnam accuse people of witchcraft?

He accused people solely because he wanted their land and the more land that person had the more he wanted them gone