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Q: Did the planes move the towers on impact?
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Related questions

How did the jet fuel from the airplane get on the twin towers?

The planes that crashed into the towers had full fuel tanks when at the time of impact.

How did people in the twin towers died?

The people died because of the impact of the two planes. Some died when the buildings collapsed.

What are the names of the towers that got hit by planes?

the twin towers

Was the world trade center designed to take such a large planeinto its structure?

The towers were designed to take a full speed impact from a 707, one of the largest planes in service when the towers were designed. In point of fact, the amount of energy in the impact was not even as great as the energy the towers are subjected to on a day when the wind is blowing at 40 miles per hour. What made them so damaging was that the energy of the planes was focused into such a relatively small area.

Twin towers was knock down on purpose?

Despite what you may have read or heard to the contrary, the towers were brought down due the natural progression of the impact of the planes and a fierce, raging fire from the jet fuel released. There was no government conspiracy. The Towers were hit on purpose, but collapsed due to fire and destruction and the explosion of the jet fuel on the planes.

Did hijacked planes crash the twin towers?

the reason why is because the planes were hijacked.

Did the planes that hit the twin towers had explosives on them?


Where did the planes hit the twin towers?

at the side

What year did the planes hit the towers?


What were the 2 planes that crash into the twin towers?

It did happen 2 planes crashed into the towers everyone on the plane died but not more than 1300 survived in the tower

When the plane crashed to the twin towers who died?

the people in the towers and the people hired to steer the planes.

Who made twin towers fall?

2 planes with terrorists wanted to destroy the twin towers