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yes,they had some resources that the U.S. was going to be attacked,but they didnt know who,so 50/50

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Q: Did the president know that japan was going to attack pearl harbor?
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President Roosevelt decided to place an embargo on Japan for the sale of weapons and oil after Japan's attack on Manchuria.

How did pearl harbor begin and end?

Japan thought that the US was going to attack them so Japan attacked us first even though we were not going to attack them. And pearl harbor ended when Japan ran out of planes on there carriers.

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What did the president do because of the attack on Pearl Harbor?

F.D.R. declared war on Japan in retaliation to the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor.

Who was the Japanese President at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor?

Japan has never had a president. They had an emperor and a Prime Minister at the time.

What caused the attack of pearl harbor?

president rossevelt dicided to go out with the president of Japan so he got vey mad

What is the cause the of Pearl Harbor attack?

Elimination of the US Battlefleet stationed at Pearl Harbor.

What did the attack on pearl harbor cause the US to do?

2 hours or so after the attack, President Roosevelt declared war on Japan, which lead to their destruction.

How did the US know the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor?

They intercepted a mesage from Japan to its naval fleet.

Did America know japan was going to attack pearl harbor?

There are books written that state that the US did know.

What did president rooselvet have to say about the pearl harbor attack?

he declared a state of war existed with Japan as of Dec 8, 1941

How did the us act after Japanese attack pearl Harbor?

The President asked congress to declare war on Japan, congress agreed.