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Q: Did the presidential election of 1860 end slavery?
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Why did Southern states refuse to put Lincoln on the 1860 ballot?

Lincoln's election would spell an end to slavery, so the southern states refused to add him.

When does the presidential election end?

On the day of the general election. IR

Did the republicans platform in 1860 promised to end slavery in southern states?

The platform was based, in part, on the promise of ending slavery. The politics of 1860 were explosive and the election of the first Republican president pushed the divide between the North and South leading to the Civil War. Since then, the Republicans have done more for civil rights than the Democrats, believe it or not. Do some research, especially on Eisenhower and Nixon.

Why were four parties and candidates in the presidential election of 1860?

The Democratic party split over the slavery issue and nominated two candidates in separate conventions. The Republicans were a new party made up of northern Whigs and others. They were against expansion of slavery and opposed Buchanan. The long existing Whig party died. A new Constitutional Union party was formed of old Whigs who did not want to join the Republicans.The candidates:John Bell, from a new Southern party stood for no expansion of slavery, but allowing it where it existed.John C. Breckinridge, Southern Democrat, stood for protection of slavery in new territories.Stephen A. Douglas, Northern Democrat, stood for popular sovereignty and supported President Buchanan's programs.Abraham Lincoln , Republican (Northern) was against slavery but hoped to gradually end the practice. Said nothing about slavery during the campaign,

What led the southern states to secede from the union in 1860 and 1861?

- the worry that the government would abolish slavery. The major event was President Lincolns election. The Southern States believed that once Lincoln was in office, he would end slavery for good.

Related questions

Who were the candidates in the 1860 presidential election and what policies did each candidate for?

The candidates in the 1860 presidential election were Abraham Lincoln who was a republican and John C. Breckinridge who was a Southern Democratic. John Bell and Stephen Douglas were also candidates. Both Lincoln and Douglas wanted to end slavery.

What was the main purpose for the election of 1860?

The election of 1860 included the following candidates: Abraham Lincoln John Bell John Breckenrige Stephen Douglas The election of 1860 was mostly over the controversial issue of slavery. Abraham Lincoln won a bitter election

What presidential election marked the end of populism?

Election of 1896

Why did Southern states refuse to put Lincoln on the 1860 ballot?

Lincoln's election would spell an end to slavery, so the southern states refused to add him.

When does the presidential election end?

On the day of the general election. IR

His election marked the end of Reconstruction?

The president's election that marked the end of Reconstruction was Rutherford Hayes. It was during the Presidential Election of 1876.

Why did Southern states refuse to put Lincoln on the 1860 election ballot?

Lincoln's election would spell an end to slavery, so the southern states refused to add him.

Did John Quincy Adams end slavery?

He was a southerner, and had held slaves at one point but by 1860 he did not support slavery.

Did John D. Rockefeller vote for Abraham Lincoln in 1860?

John D. Rockefeller was 21 years old when he cast his first vote in a US presidential election. It was the 1860 election and he voted for Lincoln. At that age he already involved in a prosperous commodities firm in Cleveland, Ohio. By the end of 1862 his profits were upwards of $17,000. This was a remarkable amount of money for 1862.

What was Lincoln's goal after his second election?

He wanted to end the Civil War and end slavery

What caused the out beak of the civil war?

The proximate cause was the election of Abraham Lincoln in November 1860; white Southerners feared, correctly, that Lincoln would work to end slavery in the US. Slavery was the principal cause of the US Civil War; states' rights were a secondary issue.

How was Abraham Lincoln's view of slavery different than Stephen Douglas?

Abraham Lincoln viewed slavery as an unfortunate result of America's development that needed to end in order to keep the country united. His view on Stephen Douglas was that he was an erudite and decent man that didn't need to end to keep the country united.