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The Emancipation Proclamation applied only to the States that were at war with the union; it did not apply to the four "slave States" that did not secede. In other words, the Emancipation Proclamation did not free any slaves at the time it was published.

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Q: Did the proclamation apply to all of the states?
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What states did the emancipation proclamation apply to?

South Carolina

The emancipation did not apply to which group?

The Emancipation Proclamation did not apply to the group of slaves that were owned in Union states. While it is celebrated for ending slavery, it actually did not free all slaves.

Why did the emancipation proclamation apply to the seceded states?

because it changed the way that they were run.

Where did the emancipation proclamation apply to slaves?

The Emancipation Proclamation was applied everywhere Union Army had seized Confederate territory and border states.

Which slaveholding states did the Emancipation Proclamation apply to?

The states in rebellion - in other words, the Confederate states.

Where was the emancipation proclamation intended to be implemented?

We're can I get Emancipation Proclamation forms to apply for my freedom

Did the emancipation proclamation immediately free all the slaves?

No the emancipation proclamation did not free all slaves immediately. instead it freed very few people because the emancipation proclamation did not apply to slaves in the border states who were fighting for the union states. it also did not act upon the slaves in the south that were already under union control.

The emancipation proclomation freed slaves in all states except?

The emancipation proclamation freed slaves in all states except for the borderline slave states that remained in the union. The proclamation had led the way to abolish slavery in the United States.

Were all enslaved persons freed by the Emancipation Proclamation?

No, the Emancipation Proclamation did not free all the enslaved persons. Only the slaves in the "rebellious states" were freed by the Emancipation Proclamation. The "rebellious states" were those which had seceded from the Union, except for the states that had already come under Northern control.

Which did the emancipation proclamation apply?

The Confederacy

What abolished slavery in all of the states?

the emancipation proclamation by Abraham Lincoln.

What document freed all the slaves in confederate states?

The Emancipation Proclamation