

Did the south win all battles before Gettysburg?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Did the south win the Civil War?

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Q: Did the south win all battles before Gettysburg?
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How many battles did the army of northern Virginia win?

A better question would be 'How many battles were fought in the North?' - because there was only one. That was Gettysburg. All the others were fought in the South.

Who was the leader of the union of the Gettysburg battle?

because the south was over with all the wars in there territory so they pushed north to make all the battles in the north.

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All of the land battles except Antietam and Gettysburg happened on Southern soil.

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They are all major turning point battles in the wars they took place in.

What battles were fought in Pennsylvania?

Gettysburg was the only one that was; so, all the others were not.

What battles were not fought in Pennsylvania?

Gettysburg was the only one that was; so, all the others were not.

What states were affected in the civil war?

In the Civil War, some states were against slavery and some wanted it. The south wanted and used slaves all the time when the north hated slavery and wanted to get rid of it.

Was the Gettysburg fought in the east or west?

With the exceptions of some very small skirmishes in the west; ALL battles were fought in the east.

How did the union get to the Battle of Gettysburg?

The Union and Confederate army marched to get to all of their battles including the Battle at Gettysburg the only people that didn't march were the generals, captains and colonels the important people only the troops marched

What areas were fought over during the Civil War?

The majority of the large scale Civil War battles where fought in Northern Virginia, between Washington DC and Richmond (The Capitol of the South).

Where did most of the Battles of the Civil War take place?

The majority of American Civil War battles were fought in Virginia. In fact, almost all battles were fought in the South. The Civil War was truly a defensive war for the South and an offensive war for the North.

How did all get to Gettysburg for the battle?

The Southern Army came in from the north through Maryland (Cashtown). The North came in from the South.