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Q: Did the vikings lived in a forested area with rugged coastlines called Scandinavia?
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What Did The Vikings Have To Do With Scandinavia?

The Vikings lived in the area now called Scandinavia.

What are pirates from Scandinavia called?


What are seafaring people from Scandinavia called?

The Vikings.

What are the raiders from Scandinavia called?

They were collectively known as the Vikings, or Norsemen.

Why were people from Scandinavia called pirates?

Because of the Vikings, who attacked other countries.

Where did the vikings live what was the place called?

In general terms: Scandinavia - made up of Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

Who invaded most of Europe?

the three kingdoms, Louis's sons divided, were weakened further by a wave of invaders called the vikings from Scandinavia and swept across Europe.

Where were the vikings come from?

The Vikings lived to 793 BC-1100s.They came from a variety of countries.But,the main region where Vikings came from is A place called "Scadinavia".Scandinavia includes the following countries:Norway,Sweeden,Denmark,Iceland,and Great Britain.

Why were people from Scandinavia called pirates and their ships called dragon ships?

They were called pirates because they (the Vikings) attacked other nations. They were called dragon ships because each ship had a carved wooden dragon head on the front of it's ship.

What is Norsemen land called?

The land inhabited by the Norsemen is generally referred to as Scandinavia. It includes modern-day countries such as Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Iceland.

When was the Viking civilization?

The Vikings showed up on the European scene around the late 700s. They controlled almost all of Scandinavia, Iceland, much of England, parts of northern France, and even made it to North America. Descendants of the Vikings called the Normans invaded and claimed all of England form Harold I in 1066.

Was the Normans called vikings?

The Normans were descendants of Vikings who had settled in France. They were not Vikings themselves; they were French and acted pretty much as the French did. They were not called Vikings at the time.