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The diary of Anne Frank is a real diary of a Jew during World War two. She writes it before and during the time her family was in hiding from the Nazis. On the morning of 4 August 1944, her family and the other family were discovered and Anne never wrote in her diary after that. Out of the 8 people leaving in what Anne called the 'Secret Annex', Otto Frank [Anne's father] was the only one to survive.

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Q: Did the whole family get killed in the Diary of Anne Frank?
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What did Ann Frank have with her in hiding?

Her most beloved possession was her diary nick-named Kitty. There are books available called Anne Frank, the diary of a young girl and her whole diary, published by her dad, Otto Frank, from when Anne Frank and her family and her friends were hiding from Hitler and the Nazis.

Why did Anne Frank use her diary?

Because she had no friends and one to talk to, for the war was in place. She felt that her diary was the only 'person' she could talk freely with. And with the family having to keep quiet the whole time, writing was ideal.

How did Anne Franks diary get publised?

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One of the most memorable arguments in Anne Frank's diary was between Anne and Mrs. van Daan over sharing food rations during their time in hiding. Anne argued that sharing rations equitably was important for their survival and group morale, while Mrs. van Daan was more concerned with her own family's well-being. This argument highlighted the tensions and challenges faced by the residents in their confined living space.

When the diary of anne frank was turned in stage play why did otto frank refuse an invitation to attend the performance?

Otto Frank refused to attend the stage play adaptation of "The Diary of Anne Frank" because it took liberties with the story and characters, which he believed misrepresented his daughter's memory. He felt that the play sensationalized and diluted the true essence and message of Anne's diary.

What problems did Anne Frank had in her life?

Anne Frank is a girl the is Jewish she is hiding from the Nazi's lead by Hitler. Hitler and his crew are taking all of the Jews away. So Anne and her family have to hide from them so they can not be taken away. anne frank and her family were jewish! , so, hilter and his group were (nazi's) attacking jews wanting them. anne and her family hid for a long amount of time. she was terrified. her diary was her whole life in her diary. her hobby was reading and writing. but mostly this answer iss.............about the nazi's attacking jews(: hope i myslef hellpped you!(:

What was Otto Frank's personality?

Otto Frank was a very protective father. He was also very intelligent because he new places for their family to hide and he is the only one to survive out of is whole family after the Holocaust. Even though he was complicated he was very loving to his family. After they found Anne's diary Otto edited the diary a bit. Otto is also very organized because he had been making plans for his family to go into hiding for over a year.

What was the bathroom called in Anne Frank's diary?

Hopefully after she used it, especially after doing number two's, otherwise the smell would have stunk out her attic and the whole family would have had to suffer.

What are the names of the whole Frank family?

The members of the Frank family are Anne, Margot, Otto, Edith, and Anne's parents, Otto and Edith.

Was Anne Frank's whole family with her in hiding?

Yes with her Mother, Father and Sister.

What happen to Anne Frank in the book dairy of a young girl?

Anne Frank and her family went into hiding during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. Sadly, they were discovered after two years and sent to concentration camps. Anne died in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945 at the age of 15. Her diary, which she kept while in hiding, was later published and became a poignant account of the Holocaust.

What made Anne Frank feel successful?

What made Anne Frank feel successful was thatshe kept a diary for two whole years even though it was her first time keeping a diaryalso that she hid in "the Secret Annex" for two whole years without going crazy.