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Very Very bad flooding leaving people homeless and dead Very Very bad flooding leaving people homeless and dead

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they like to touch each other

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Q: Did tsunamis play a big role in agricultural production?
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Do humans have a significant role in causing tsunamis?

They don't have any role. Tsunamis are a natural phenomenon.

What does Agricultural regions mean?

Agricultural regions are geographical areas where farming activities are prevalent and contribute significantly to the economy. These regions are characterized by fertile soil, suitable climate, and access to water for irrigation, making them ideal for growing crops and raising livestock. Agricultural regions play a vital role in food production and supply chain.

What is AG Journalism?

AG journalism stands for agricultural journalism, which involves reporting and writing about agricultural issues, trends, and news. AG journalists cover topics such as farming practices, agribusiness, rural development, environmental issues, and food production. They play a crucial role in keeping the public informed about developments in the agricultural sector.

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it plays a role in the factor of production because if there is none, companies can produce more with a higher selling price.

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Nitrogen-fixing sugar crops, like legumes, play a vital role in agriculture by enriching the soil with nitrogen through a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. This reduces the need for synthetic fertilizers, improves soil fertility, and promotes sustainable agricultural practices. Additionally, these crops can be used for food, feed, and biofuel production, contributing to food security and renewable energy sources.

Which role did Louis play in his school production of grease?

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they can fight the cancer cells

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Is agricultural production affected by the topography and climate of the country?

Yes, topography and climate play a significant role in agricultural production. Different crops require specific conditions to thrive, such as certain temperatures, levels of rainfall, and soil types. Topography can affect factors like water drainage and sunlight exposure, impacting crop yields. Countries with varied topography and climates often have diverse agricultural practices to accommodate these differences.

What is the meaning of 'agronomist'?

An agronomist is a professional who studies and practices the science of soil management and crop production. They are responsible for analyzing soil conditions, recommending fertilizers and crop rotation techniques, and ensuring sustainable agricultural practices. Agronomists play a crucial role in increasing crop yields and promoting food security.

Which role did Louis Tomlinson play in his school production of Grease?

Danny zuko

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how information system play an important role in following departments finance, marketing,HRM and production management