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While there are many eyewitnesses to explosions in the buildings, none were reported until after the planes hit the twin towers. Most of the eyewitness reports are from first responders and fire fighters that were in the buildings preparing to put the fires out with water lines that experienced the explosions from lower floors as well as when the towers fell. Some were from FEMA personnel who were dispatched into the area of town on Sept 10, 2001.

By the end of the day, WTC 1, WTC 2, and WTC 7, had all crashed into their own footprint with all of the concrete, wall board, building materials, and office furniture, exploding into practically dust size particles as the buildings fell.

This is the first time in the history of high rise buildings, that fire has been reported as the cause of their collapse. These buildings were built to withstand the impact of the Boeing 707, at that time the largerst commerical airliner, after the impact of a B-25 Mitchell bomber had struck and exploded into the Empire State building years prior to the build of the towers.

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Q: Did twin towers explode before than planes crashed into towers building?
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