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Will (iam) won The Battle of Hastings against Harold godwinson

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Q: Did will win the battle of hastings?
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Why did hadrada win the battle of Hastings?

Harald Hardrada did not win the Battle of Hastings, he was killed earlier at the Battle of Stamford Bridge.

What if William hadn't won the Battle of Hastings?

If William Duke of Normandy didn't win the battle hastings he would of cryed

Did the Saxons win the battle of the Hastings?

no they did not. William the Conqueror did

Why was it important to win the Battle of Hastings?

for the crown of England and for power

Who helped William win the Battle of Hastings?

ased mihgr

What battele did William Duke of Normandy win?

Battle of Hastings

When did they win the Battle of Hastings?

on the 14th october 1066 William of Normandy won the battle

Why did William use tactics in the Battle of Hastings?

william wanted too win the battle of hastings soooooo badly that he used the same trick 3 times

Why did Harold not win the Battle of Hastings?

Because he didnt think right about what he was doing

What date did willian of Normandy win the battle of hastings?

14th October 1066.

Why did god want William to win the battle of hastings?

God only knows.

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