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No, on both accounts. Wounded Knee was in 1890, several other battles were fought up till 1918. Also, many Native Americans still carry on this war today, only the war today is fought through legal battles (there is a movement to push Genocide and Montevideo violations before the UN Court, either of those would remove the USA's claim to the lands it took by treaty)

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Q: Did wounded knee end the Indian war?
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What was the last war of the Indian wars?

Wounded Knee 1890.

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Wounded Knee Massacre

Was worded knee the first battle of civil war?

I think you meant Wounded Knee- and no. The first battle of the Civil War is generally considered to be the 1st Battle of Manassas (Bull Run). Wounded Knee was the killing of about 300 men, women and children of the Lakota Indian tribe in 1890, long after the Civil War was over.

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I believe that it might have been the Aleutians if you count territories, this was WWII in Alaska. If you want states,I know there was a battle between Mexicans and Germans fighting against US soldiers in Arizona.

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The US Government considered the American Indian wars to have officially ended in 1890, with the battle at Wounded Knee. Violence between the Red and White people had been ongoing since approximately 1622 during the first Powhatan war through 1890 at Wounded Knee.

What was the last war of the Indians wars?

Wounded Knee 1890.

America in the 1600s?

The Pilgrams landed on or about 1620; the Powhatan War kills 347 settlers at the James River Settlements on 22 March 1622 (first of the American Indian Wars which won't end until 1890 at Wounded Knee).

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North America (US); the Indian Wars, from approximately 1620 (when the Pilgrams landed) until the Battle of Wounded Knee in 1890.

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1. Against another country/nation: Vietnam War 2. Against another peoples: Indian Wars 1622-1890 (ending with the battle of Wounded Knee in 1890).

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Generally, it was considered the Indian Wars. There were many battles however, the Little Bit Horn and Wounded Knee being but 2 of them.

What wars happened in the late 1800s?

For the US only? If so: 1. Indian Wars finished up about 1890 at the Battle of Wounded Knee 2. Spanish-American War of 1898 (nicknamed the "Splendid Little War")

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Against another "NATION" (Country) yes. America's longest war was the "Indian Wars" which lasted from 1622 (James River Settlements) to 1890 (Battle of Wounded Knee).