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Why is TOMTOM Navigator 5 gps superior to other TOMTOM Navigators? Adding gps to a pda which already has tons of features makes it superior. And the battery stays charged for five hours, a long time considering its a very small unit. You can compare TOMTOM features at

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Q: Did you hear that the TOMTOM navigator 5 gps has the best features out of all the TOMTOM systems?
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is garmin the best automotive gps brand?

Garmin and TomTom navigation systems are the two most reputable brands and are the two most purchased gps systems. I prefer garmin over tomtom; depends on each consumer.

Where can I go to compare Tomtom Go 300 and Garmin gps systems, online?

You can compare different gps systems such as tomtom and garmin on any consumer rating site. The best place is to go to the companies page and find consumer reviews.

Do Tomtom motorcycle GPS systems work in boats?

TomTom motorcycle GPS systems will not work in a boat, however it would be best beneficial as to check out if you are looking for something similar. You can search for the best product that fits your needs, check out the review of the product and compare prices with various sellers.

How strong is a tomtom?

tomtom is the best GPS brand. tomtom is pretty dam strong and is stronger than most other GPS's out there

What are some popular car navigator GPS products?

Finding your way around town is super important. Some of the best GPS systems are the Tom Tom and Garmin, they both have some neat features.

What is the best automotive navigation system on the market?

The best navigation system on the market is purely an opinion. There are a handful of great navigation systems on the market, depending on what you are looking for in your GPS system. TomTom and Nuvi are 2 of the many great systems on the market.

Which Canadian retailers offer GPS car navigation systems?

Some Canadian retailers that offer GPS systems are Best Buy, Futureshop, and The Source. These retailers carry brands from TomTom, Garvin, and RocketFish.

What are the features of the Tom Tom Start car GPS navigation system?

Some features of the TomTom start car GPS are the ability to personalize it, ability to subscribe to services and the ability to purchase content. One can purchase a TomTom GPS from online retailers like eBay and Amazon or from retail stores like Best Buy, Future Shop, Target and many more.

Where do I buy a tomtom gps antenna?

You would be able to purchase tomtom GPS antennas at radio shack, best buy, target and other electronic stores. You may also be able to find a tomtom GPS antenna at

Is a Tom Tom gps cheaper than a Garmin gps?

Well, I say Garmin is better than TomTom because it has more waypoints, and a nicer screen than TomTom, but TomTom is a great GPS too. Infact I myself, have a TomTom AND a Garmin. Hard to compare, but I would go for Garmin. I never get lost with Garmin, but I've gotten lost once or twice with TomTom, but both are awesome! So I say Garmin is better than TomTom. -Flashman654 i would say tomtom is the best. heaps better than garmin. tomtom has more features..

Which of the following two automotive gps units, Garmin or TomTom, have the best features?

When looking into gps models, make sure you check spec's and features to determine which model and brand is best for you. Comparing the two popular brands will help you decide whether one is better than the other.

Are tomtom navigation systems the best navigation systems?

Yes. Tom Tom navigation has a great reputation. I have used one, and while they do get you where you need to go, they can also be confusing because they will tell you to turn right on your turn and you may miss it, however all gps systems are like that.