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Q: Did you hear that the Thompson's are moving from Springfield's to Indianapolis?
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Can a cat hear termites moving around in walls?

Cats can hear termites moving around in walls. In fact, people can even detect the presence of these critters inside walls.

What does the cowboy slang 'hear tell' mean?

Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! This just means to hear of. "I hear tell you're moving on," said the cowboy.

What types of sounds can frogs hear underwater?

water moving They can hear water moving. Since frogs have holes for ears, they probably just sense vibrations, like snakes. a rabbit andwhat ever is in there

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When moving arm you can feel and hear tearing in the shoulder?

no. and neither can you. you're being paranoid. try breathing, i hear that works well.

Does the frequency of a railroad locomotive you hear increasedecrease or stay the same?

That depends on whether the locomotive is moving or standing still, and if it's moving, then that depends on whether it's => moving toward you or => moving away from you.

What do you call a moving pattern of high and low pressure that you can hear?

A audible pattern of moving high and low pressure is called sound.

What movement did kino hear in the night?

Kino heard a scorpion moving in the night.

Am I supposed to be able to hear insects like stinkbugs ants etc even when they are not moving?

Generally not.

If your traveling faster then the speed of sound can you hear anything?

You could hear any sounds generated within your moving environment, and you would be able to hear outside sounds generated from the front and up to certain angles to the side, depending on how far away their point of origin as you approach and pass (and there would be considerable dopplering), but you would not hear sounds generated from behind if they originate outside of your moving environment.

What kind of echo does a bat hear from a object moving away from it?

A bat would hear a weaker and more stretched out echo if an object is moving away from it, as the sound waves would take longer to return. This could indicate to the bat that the object is further away.

I am touchless yet you feel me I am silent yet you hear me I am always moving yet can be right beside you what am i?

You are the wind.