

Difference between FULL JOIN and INNER JOIN in sql?

Updated: 12/23/2020
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14y ago

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An INNER JOIN between two tables means that the joining values have to be present in both tables, while an FULL JOIN means that the values can be in either of the two tables. This is also know as a FULL OUTER JOIN.

As an example, imagine a customer table with a code,name and type and an auxiliary table with a type id and type description;

select * from Customer

1 Record One 001

2 Number 2 001

3 The third 002

Select * from CustomerType

001 Type_one

003 Another One

(you'll notice that the type code '002' is missing).

select Customer.Name, Customer.TypeCode, TypeCode.Description from Customer INNER JOIN CustomerType on (CustomerType.Code = Customer.TypeCode)

Record One 001

Number 2 001

(The third record is missing because there wasn't a corresponding value in the CustomerType table for the inner join)

select Customer.Name, Customer.TypeCode, TypeCode.Description from Customer FULL JOIN CustomerType on (CustomerType.Code = Customer.TypeCode)

Record One 001

Number 2 001

The third 002

(Which works because of the FULL - aka OUTER - JOIN)

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