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A carrier is a person who carries HIV but does not get infected by it.HIV positive is a person that has HIV and gets infected by it.

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Q: Difference between HIV positive and carrier?
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What is the difference between AIDS and HIV?

The difference between HIV and AIDS is that HIV is the virus that causes the disease AIDS. You can be a carrier of the HIV virus and not contract the disease but you can infect others.

What is the difference beteen hiv positive and hiv negative?

There is a huge difference between them. HIV Positive means that the test found HIV-Antibodies in your blood (you can find them in the mouth sometimes). A HIV-Negative test means that the solution did not find any signs of HIV in your body and your in great shape.

Why is it important for the doctor to know the difference between Hiv and Aids?

The reason why the doctor needs to know the difference between AIDS and HIV is because HIV is the cause for AIDS.

Is HIV positive good or bad?

It is better to be HIV negative than HIV positive. An HIV positive person is infected with HIV.

Can HIV negative off spring be carriers?

A HIV negative person can not be a carrier of HIV.

Is John Cena HIV positive?

no... he is not hiv positive..

Can people who is not hIV positive can stay with hIV positive?

Yes they can.

Is gabrielle union HIV positive?

yes she HIV positive

Is Adina Howard HIV positive?

Yes she's been HIV positive since 1998.

Can a HIV negative person be a carrier?


Was John Dye HIV positive?

Joe Dye was POSITIVE...Not HIV Positive (dumbass!)

How do HIV-positive and HIV-negative differ?

HIV-positive means you are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. HIV-negative means that you are not infected with the HIV.