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bacilli is rod shaped and cocci is spherical shaped

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Q: Difference between bacilli an cocci shape?
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Are chlamydia cocci?

Cocci and bacilli do not cause chlamydia. Cocci cause gonorrhea.

Are bacteria with a round shape called a bacilli?

No. Bacilli have a rod-like shape. The round ones are called cocci. The singular is coccus - as in staphylococcus.

Bacilli cocci and spirals are all types of what?

Bacilli, cocci, and spirilla all refer to the shape of different bacteria. Bacilli are rod shaped, cocci are spherical, and spirilla have "curved walls" meaning that they are either slightly bent or rigid spirals. You can use google images for pictures of each. Hope this helps!

What are the three main shapes of prokaryotes?

Prokaryotes can be rod shaped (bacilli), sphere shaped (cocci), or a spiral shape (spirilla)

What shape is strep throat bacteria?

Streptococcus, the bacteria that causes strep throat, is spherical (cocci) in shape.

Is tick-borne fevers cocci bacilli or spirillum?

A tick-borne fever, such as lyme disease, is caused by a spirochete bacteria. This is a type of bacteria which is spiral in shape.

What are three shapes of bacteria?

Coccus or cocci: round - spherical Bacillus or Bacilli: Rod Spirillum or Spirilla: rigid, wavy shape Pleomorphism: condition of varying shapes

What is the difference between gram-positive cocci and gram-negative rods?

Look at them under a microscope! If they are cocci, they will look like balls. If they are rods, they will look like...rods!

What is the name of a type of bacilli?

Bacteria are named various ways. One way is to name them by shape: round ones are called cocci, rod shaped ones are called bacilli and spiral shapes are called spirilla.The name of one bacillus is E. coli.

What are common bacterial shapes?

The types of bacteria according to shape are: rod shaped-called as bacilli round shaped- called as cocci square shaped star shaped dome shaped spiral shaped comma shaped broom shaped spirilla

What type of shape is bacilli?

bacilli is shaped as a nucleus

What are the three basic shapes of bacteria and give and example of each?

The three basic shapes of bacteria are cocci (spherical), bacilli (rod-shaped), and spirilla (spiral-shaped). Examples of each include: cocci - Streptococcus pneumoniae, bacilli - Escherichia coli, spirilla - Treponema pallidum.