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Q: Difference between compost and green manure?
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What are the advantages of the green manure?

Green manure's nitrogen content is very high, and it will burn growing plants. Green manure is great, on the other hand for starting a compost pile, if you mix it with some plant matter. It's also great for turning into a compost pile which hasn't been composting well. The best use of green manure is to dig it lnto the soil by trenching where it will rot and release Nitrogen.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of green manure?

Green manure's nitrogen content is very high, and it will burn growing plants. Green manure is great, on the other hand for starting a compost pile, if you mix it with some plant matter. It's also great for turning into a compost pile which hasn't been composting well. The best use of green manure is to dig it lnto the soil by trenching where it will rot and release Nitrogen.

What is an example of a compost?

Manure is an example of a compost. At one point in time the manure was waste. The waste is composted and turns into a nutrient rich soil. This is compost.

What is being done about cotton farming damaging the soil?

crop rotation solor soil disinfection soil fumigation adding of green compost green manure

How do you keep the earth usable after farming cotton?

# crop rotation # solar soil disinfection # soil fumigation # adding compost # green manure

What are green manure and its preparation as compost?

Crops such as clover and vetch to be uprooted and incorporated into the soil as erosion-controllers, nitrogen-fixers, soil-acidifiers, weed-suppressors are green manure whose compost is prepared underground. Compost results from the natural breakdown of carbon- and nitrogen-rich organic compounds either above-ground (through aerobic composting or anaerobic landfilling) or under-ground through green-manuring.

What is the difference between compost and manure?

Composting is the purposeful biodegradation of organic matter, such as yard and food waste. The decomposition is performed by micro-organisms, mostly bacteria, but also yeasts and fungi. Vermicompost, or Vcompost, is the heterogenous mixture of decomposing vegetable or food waste, bedding materials, and pure vermicast produced during the course of normal vermiculture operations. (Vermicomposting uses worms. Vermis is Latin for worms).

What is organic cultivation?

Organic Cultivation is the practice of agriculture that uses techniques such as crop rotation, green manure, compost and Biological pest control, to control pests and maintain soil output on agricultural land.

What is the difference between green and blue kyanite?

The difference between the green and blue kyanite is their colors.

What is the best way to turn clay into top soil?

While there are a great many organic soil amendments, for improving clay soil, you will want to stick to compost or materials that compost quickly. Materials that compost quickly includes well-rotted manure, leaf mold, and green plants. Because clay soil can become compacted easily, place about 3 to 4 inches

Has any other organic fertilizer ever beaten manure?

Animal manures have been used as fertilizers for millenia, and they're still among the best choices for organic fertilizers. However, good garden compost--which often has manure as one of many ingredients--beats most animal manures used alone.Garden compost that's made from diverse materials has more humus and greater microbial diversity than manure alone. If you make compost with different kinds of plants, different parts of plants (leaves, stems, roots), and different ages of plants (succulent green leaves and stems, old woody stalks), as well as manure, each compost ingredient brings different populations of bacteria and fungi into the pile, and encourages the growth of different populations as it breaks down.Tree leaves pull minerals up from deep in the subsoil, and deposit them on the soil surface when they drop in the fall. Stalks contain celluloses and lignins that feed populations of beneficial bacteria and fungi in the soil. In a compost pile, half the mass of the pile will off-gas as CO2, but the minerals and most of the nutrients will be conserved and concentrated in the compost. It's this process of concentration is what makes good compost superior to manure alone.

What things are supposed to go in a compost heap?

the things that go in a compost heap are a variety of things, don't put food in, or moist things, use brown items such as soil, manure and green items such as vegetable waste. also put in lime, because the alkali from the lime will counter the acid which is made from decomposing the items of the compost heap. make sure to put extra soil in aswell because that is where the organisms are that make the compost heap work. :)