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As the name implies (Cost control) is the a focused control of costs that impact on a business i.e. Maintain spending for equipment within the agreed budgets, purchasing raw materials within the budgets.

Cost reduction, again as it implies is the actual focus to reduce costs to a company i.e. the sales are poor and therefore there has been decision made to make savings across a department or company to ensure that profits are maintained. this is done by looking for all areas of expenditure and investigating these areas to see if financial savings may be made without causing the company any operational problems.

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Q: Difference between cost control and cost reduction?
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What are the Differences between cost control and cost reduction?

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Differences between cost control and cost reduction?

Cost Control - Taking Steps to ensure that the cost expenditure in the project is in line with what was planned during the planning phase. If the expenditure looks like exceeding the planned value, then steps are taken to reduce the cost to bring it back in line with the plan Cost Reduction - Taking steps to reduce the amount of money spent on any activity or project

Need for costing?

1) for cost control 2) comparison of cost with other firms 3) for cost reduction

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difference between cost and costing

How are cost control and cost reduction schemes implemented in an organisation?

Lebari samuel. cost control is implemented by calling departmental heads on their spending and also be mindfull of the way you allocate fund.

What is the Difference between cost management cost control and cost reduction?

Cost Control simply means keeping cost within desired level or planned level and the essential mechanics of Cost control is budgeting and budgetary control. Cost reduction on the other hand is a deliberate attempt to lower the cost of business operation which in most cases could result in value trade-off. Cost Management however is that planned, organised, systematic cost restructuring programmes aim to ensure that cost is commensurate with the level of operation of an organization. It can also be defined as the planned effort to ensure that organization operates within cost effective and efficient zone without compromising quality or value. Therefore the key line dividing cost reduction and cost managemnet is the issue of value or quality. In the process of Cost Management Cost would be reduced but without compromising value but not all cost reduction process guarantees value retention. The success of any cost management effort is influenced by the cost management mindset and cost management technical skill capacity of the Manager. Today, given the importance of cost to the survival of organization, it has been advocated that there should be adequate capacity building in the skill to manage cost as well as a full institutionalization of the distinct practice of cost management as a discipline. This I subscribe to.

Cost reduction and cost control techniques?

Controlling cost means monitoring and controlling updates and changes to costs, budget, and the cost baseline of the project. Monitoring and controlling costs has two dimensions to it: expenditure of project funds and the work performed as a result of those expenditures. One major aspect of cost monitoring and controlling is to determine the relationship between the expenditures and the accomplishments. The cost performance depends on this relationship. The other main aspect is to control the changes to the approved cost performance baseline

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