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dominant genes are more likely to be passed down to a child than recessive genes.

Here's an example:

A woman has black hair and blue eyes. Her husband has blonde hair and brown eyes. Their child will most likely have brown eyes and black hair, because black hair and brown eyes are dominant genes, while blonde hair and blue eyes are recessive. It is, of course, still possible for the child to be blonde and blue-eyed, only less likely.

However, if the father had blue eyes too, it would be most likely that the child would have blue eyes. Grandparents are also a factor: say that both parents have blue eyes, but one or more of the child's grandparents (or anyone down the genetic line, actually) has brown eyes. It is therefore also possible for the child to have brown eyes.

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An allele is a section of DNA that is made of 2 genes. Each gene can be either dominant or recessive.

Lets suppose X = Dominant, Y=Recessive

Allele 1: XX - X expressed

Allele 2: XY - X expressed

Allele 3: YX - X expressed

Allele 4: YY - Y expressed

If a dominant gene is present it WILL be expressed. Both genes must be the recessive gene for it to be expressed.

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Q: Difference between dominant and recessive genes?
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How do dominant and recessive genes work?

explain how dominant genes work

An organism with two different alleles for a single trait is said to be heterozygous?

A heterozygous is a hybrid of genes. It has a dominant and recessive gene. The dominant gene covers over the recessive trait, making the individual have the dominant trait. (trait are alleles...) or apex ans:two

What are dominant and recessive genes?

A dominant gene- A gene That is "stronger" than a recessive geneA recessive gene- A gene that must have 2 of the same to have that look.ex: A gene for being tall=T (CAPITAL T)A gene for being short=t(lowercase t)TT=TallTt=talltt=shortThe GENES WHICH ARE EXPRESSED IN THE PROGENY ARE CALLED DOMINANT AND WHICH DO NOT EXPRESS ARE CALLED RECESSIVE

What is dominant and recessive?

These are terms used in a punnet square. Dominant is the Phenotype, or a gene that is predicted to be expressed in a heterozygous being- the offspring of two beings with different traits. Recessive is the Genotype, or a gene that is predicted to be hidden in the Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid, (DNA,) of a heterozygous being. Sometimes there is Codominance, where both genes are fully expressed, or incomplete dominance, where the genes are mixed, and are partially expressed.

Why do fatal genes have to be recessive?

Because if they are dominant, then even one copy present in the organism would mean that the organism will be killed by the generic error (because they are fatal). Thus to be passed on they have to be recessive - in other words if an individual has a good copy and a bad copy (genes are paired - one from the mother and one from the father) the good copy must be dominant for the individual to survive.

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What is the difference between homzyguos and heterozyous?

Homozygous recessive: is when the genes are both recessive Homozygous dominant: is when the genes are both dominant (traits show) Heterozygous dominant: is when one gene is dominant and one is recessive (traits show) Heterozygous recessive: is the same as heterozygous dominant but the dominant genes are inactive

Do dominant genes affect recessive genes?

The dominant genes take over, and then the recessive genes hide away

Which genes are dominant and which are recessive?

Dominant genes are always expressed in preference to recessive genes in cased where both genes are present.

What is the difference between dominant and recessive gene?

There are no such things as dominant and recessive genes. There are only dominant and recessive alleles. Dominant alleles are parts of a gene that present its features over the recessive allele, which is the one that is always masked by the dominant allele. The recessive allele's trait only shows if both of the alleles in a trait are recessive.

How do dominant and recessive genes work?

explain how dominant genes work

What are the difference between dominant and recessive genes?

Dominant genes will cover up recessive genes. Take a simplified version of eye color for example. Brown is dominant and blue is recessive. Someone might have the allele for both brown and blue, but their eyes will be brown because of the dominent brown gene. If there are two parents that carry the recessive gene, neither will be blue eyed, but they will have a chance of having a blue eyed child if both pass on the recessive gene.

The most powerful genes are said to be?

Genes that are considered to be powerful are usually those that code for essential cellular functions, such as those involved in regulating cell growth and division, controlling metabolism, and responding to external signals. These genes are often called "master regulators" because they have a broad impact on the cell's behavior and can influence multiple downstream pathways. Mutations in these genes can lead to significant changes in cell behavior and are often associated with diseases like cancer.

How is codominance difference from dominant and recessive relationship?

Codominance is when 2 dominate genes appear in the phenotype of an organism. (some one else can tell you what dominate and recessive genes are)

What is the different between dominant and recessive?

Dominant traits are expressed when an individual carries at least one copy of the dominant allele, while recessive traits are expressed only when an individual carries two copies of the recessive allele. Dominant alleles mask the expression of recessive alleles in heterozygous individuals.

What is the difference between a homozygous trait and a heterozygous trait and can you please provide an example for each?

A homozygous trait refers to having two identical alleles for a gene (e.g., TT or tt), while a heterozygous trait means having two different alleles for a gene (e.g., Tt). An example of a homozygous trait is having blue eyes (bb), where both alleles are for blue eye color. An example of a heterozygous trait is having wavy hair (Ww), where one allele is for wavy hair and the other for straight hair.

The weaker of two genes is called what?


If an animal with 2 dominant genes for a trait has offspring with an animal with 2 recessive genes for same trait their offspring can only have what?

The offspring will all have one dominant and one recessive gene for the trait, making them carriers of the recessive gene while displaying the dominant trait.