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Q: The weaker of two genes is called what?
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What is a plant that has two dominant genes or two genes called?

a homozygous

The most powerful genes are said to be?

Dominant, as in dominant and recessive (weaker) genes.

What is the weaker allele in a pair of genes?

Recessive Allele

What is a combination of two genes together called?

The genes an organism contains is called the organism's genotype.

If a dog is bred with its sibling does the puppy have a weaker bone structure?

The puppies will have problems because of this inbreeding. One of these can be weaker bone structure. They have these problems because genetic problems that are usually masked by dominant genes are uncovered by two recessive genes that both siblings received from their parents.

What organisms with two alleles are called?


Why are females considered the default sex?

because, genetically, we have weaker genes

What are the two forms of genes called?

The two different molecular forms of a gene are called alleles.

What is name of the two genes one on each chromosome of a pair that control the same trait are called?


The two types of cell cycle genes if mutated cause cancer cells to divide uncontrollably are called tumor suppressor genes and?

The two types of cell cycle genes that cause cancer cells to divide uncontrollably if mutated are called tumor suppressor genes and antioncogene

Which one pair of genes is the weakest?

No genes are "weaker" than any others, they are all made of the same stuff.

What is a segment of chromosome called?

It is which 2+2=4 got it this is very wrong!