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i don;t no

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Q: What is the main difference between the testes of mammals and the testes of poultry?
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Related questions

What is the difference between Gonads and Testes?

Gonads is a more general word, and gender neutral. Testes are the male gonads, while the ovaries are the female gonads.

What is the difference between castration and circumsion?

Castration is ermoval of the testes. Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin.

What is the difference between gonads and genitals?

Basicly, the same thing, gonads usually refer to the testes and ovaries.

What is between the testes and penis?

Testes is balls, pennis is pen

What is the difference between ovaries and testes?

The testes are the male gonads that are located outside the body. They produce spermatozoa and testosterone. The ovaries are the female gonads that are located on the inside of the body. They produce ova, estrogen and progesterone.

Difference between the number of testes in males and shemales.?

the same, shemales are males that want to be women but really like their penis and balls,

Why are the testes contained in a sac?

Most male mammals have testes in an external sac in order to protect their sperm from overheating. Excessive heat can impair sperm, negatively affecting fertility.

Does meiosis happen in all tissues?

No. Meiosis happens in the tissues that form gametes, such as the ovaries and testes in mammals.

How many sperm can the testes hold?

A man's testes can hold between 80 and 100 million sperm if he is healthy.

What is the external marking between the two testes?


What are the differences between ovaries and testes?

hahaha! get a boook you lazy but...

Do all boys have big testes?

The size will differ between boys.