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The only unvoluntary muscle is cardiac muscle. Heart is cardiac muscle. Unvoluntary muscle does not need nerve system in order to work. It works even if we are not in concious. Voluntary muscles need nerve system to move. The coordinating centre in our brain send nerve impulses to the muscles for various movement such as running and chewing. Instances of voluntary muscles are smooth muscle and skeletal muscle.

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Q: Difference between voluntary and nonvoluntary muscles?
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What is the difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles and why do you need both?

voluntary muscles are muscles that work when you make them. involuntary are muscles that just go when you don't think about.

What is the difference between abdominal muscles and intestinal muscles?

I'm no expert but one difference is your external abdominal muscles are voluntary and intestinal muscles are involuntary.

What is voluntary trade?

Voluntary muscles are what you have control over. Like your skeletal muscle are usually voluntary. Involuntary muscles are what you have no control of. Like your smooth and cardiac muscles you have no control of. The difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles are voluntary muscles you have control of and involuntary you have no control of. Hope this answered your question.

What is the difference between voluntary muscle and involuntary muscle?

You can't control involuntary muscles but you can control voluntary muscles.

What is the difference between a voluntary and a involuntary muscle?

A voluntary muscle is one you must consciously choose to move, such as when pointing your finger or picking up a glass. An involuntary muscle is one that moves without you choosing to move it, such as heart muscle, and muscles involved in reflexes such as eye blinking.The difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles is (involuntary muscle)when you move without you choosing to move it and (voluntary muscle) that is when you can choose a muscle to move with.Voluntary muscles are consciously moved. Involuntary muscles are not consciously moved, smooth muscles and cardiac muscles are examples of involuntary muscles. When a muscle is both voluntary and involuntary it is considered voluntary.

What is the difference between the muscles of heart and the muscles of leg?

The structure of the leg muscle is similar to the heart muscle in their makeup. There are studies that have shown that leg muscles can be injected into the heart.

What do voluntary muscles do in the body?

Voluntary muscles help you to perform voluntary movements.

What is the difference between a voluntary muscle and an involuntary muscle?

A voluntary muscle is one you must consciously choose to move, such as when pointing your finger or picking up a glass. An involuntary muscle is one that moves without you choosing to move it, such as heart muscle, and muscles involved in reflexes such as eye blinking.The difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles is (involuntary muscle)when you move without you choosing to move it and (voluntary muscle) that is when you can choose a muscle to move with.Voluntary muscles are consciously moved. Involuntary muscles are not consciously moved, smooth muscles and cardiac muscles are examples of involuntary muscles. When a muscle is both voluntary and involuntary it is considered voluntary.

What is the difference volantantarymuscle and a involantarymuscles?

Involuntary muscles act on their own, like the heart muscles. Voluntary muscles you control, like the arm muscles.

What muscles are voluntary muscle?

Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles.

Are Voluntary muscles stronger than in voluntary muscles?


What types are voluntary?

Skeletal muscles are the only voluntary muscles