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distributon expense is a part of selling expense. its comes under the heading of selling expense. selling expense included various other heads like advertisement expense, distribution expense, packing expense, octroi, sales tax, hidden profit, cost of product etc etc. while distribution expense is the expense occured by the producer of the goods in the form of transportation cost barred by him for making the goods reach the retailers, wholesellers or directly to the godown or factory outlet.

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Jovnobby Victor

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3y ago
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12y ago

discount allowed, advertising, commission allowed , carriage outward, interest allowed , repairs bad debts, loss on sale of assest.

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Q: Differences between selling expenses distribution expenses?
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Selling Expenses are the expenses directly related to producing sales. Typical Selling Expenses would be Advertising and Salesman's Commissions.

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Selling expenses are those expenses which incurred to selling of services and goods for example market research, sales man salary, and advertising. And other hand general expenses are those expenses which incurred general base in production for example interest charge, services charges, wages and rent are included.

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ire2search db ...

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Preliminary expenses are neither administrative expenses nor selling expenses rather these are classified as other assets in balance sheet and amortized over period of life of business.

What are the different types of selling expenses?

it is the FIXED and VARIABLE it is the FIXED and VARIABLE expenses only not selling expenses.JOKE.this is a GUESS.haha

What is the difference between trafficing and distribution of marijuana?

i believe trafficing of marijuana is when you get caught bringing it from one place to another, and distribution is the act of actually selling it.

Is advertising charges are included in the selling price?

No advertisement expenses are not included in selling price because selling expenses are not part of product cost rather these are period cost.