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Both are same an mechanical design or engineer design creates a concept and then he build a design that output will be CAD data.

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Q: Different between mechanical Engineering design and CAD engineer?
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No. automobile engineering and mechanical engineering r different. Mech. engg. deals with overall study of production engineering, designe engineering, automobile engineering, thermal engineeringand many other topic. Automobile engineering can be considered as a specific branch which deals with the topics specific to automobile engineering.

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Engineering is a verb while engineer is the one who is doing engineering.

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What is difference between engineering and design?

The difference between the desgineer and engineer is the math. They both do the same thing except the engineer does the math.

What is the different between electronic and electronics?

"Electronics" is an engineering discipline or field of study or endeavour, as in "I Studied Electronics at MIT". "Electronic" is an adjective, as in "Electronic Calculator". An engineer working in this field can be described as either an "Electronics Engineer" or an "Electronics Engineer".

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Architectural Engineering places emphasis on architecture with some study of engineering principles. Structural engineering is a branch of civil engineering and does not necessarily rely on an architectural background.

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What is mechanical engineering sandwich?

Not sure if the engineering-related definition is exactly the same, but in geology the term mechanical sandwich refers to a rock layer which has different tectonic mechanisms going on above and below it. Thus, the rock layer is "sandwiched" between other rock layers experiencing different tectonic processes.