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A fear is called a phobia.

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Q: Different kinds of fear and their study called?
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Is it possible to have a fear of techno music?

Yeah. There are all kinds of different fears.

What is it called when you are scared of coyotes?

The fear of coyotes is called agrizoophobia. This is a fear of wild animals and can be the name for many different animal fears.

What is the word for fear of water?

Aquaphobia. Hydrophobia is a morbid fear of water.

What is the fear of liars called?

There is no technical term for the fear of liars. People who fear liars may have trust issues for different reasons.

What is the name for the fear of shadows at night?

Fear of the dark and the night are actually two different things. Fear of the dark is Lygophobia. Fear of the night is Nyctophobia.

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There is no word for the fear of boogers

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A fear of certain kinds of social or performance situations an exaggerated fear or embarrassment or humiliation?

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What is the fear of fears called?

The fear of fears is called phobophobia. It is the fear of getting a phobia.

What are the two kinds of special noun?

The two kinds of special nouns are proper nouns and common nouns. Proper nouns refer to specific names of people, places, or things and are always capitalized, while common nouns refer to general names of people, places, or things and are not capitalized unless they begin a sentence.

What kinds of experience bring on restlessness?

worrying, fear, or excitement.

What is the fear of electronics called?

The fear of electronics is called technophobia