

Differentiate theory from law

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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In science the things called "laws" are invariably just rules-of-thumb that hold true only under ideal conditions.

For instance : the gas laws - they only hold for low pressure and high temps

... and if you don;t believe that, then what are vapor tables for?

A "theory" is any hypothesis that's been verified so often that "everybody" believes it.

Note that non-scientists can not distinguish between theory, hypothesis, and crack-pot notion.

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Does a scientific law become a scientific theory?

A theory, when proven over time, can become a law. Example: Law of Gravity and Theory of Evolution

Why can't a theory become a law?

A law cannot become a theory, as laws are higher in scientific hierarchy than theories. Theories may become laws when the evidence for their factuality proves that the theory meets all established requirements set forth by the theory. If at any point in the scientific method a theory is disproven for the criteria that it sets forth, it can never be considered a Law. The hierarchy is thusly: Hypothesis < Theory < Law.

What is 3 examples of theories and laws?

The difference between theory and natural law is that a theory is a framework, while a natural law is a single rule, usually expressed in mathematics. They are not two different stages of acceptance among scientists (as it is sometimes claimed in error); they are two completely different things; a theory does not evolve into a law with when sufficient evidence for a theory has been gathered for example. For example consider: The Theory of Special Relativity <-- Theory Speed of light is constant <-- Law Theory of Electromagnetism <-- Theory Divergence of the Magnetic field is zero <-- Law Quantum Field Theory <-- Theory Conservation of Energy <-- Law

How does the scientific law differ from the scientific theory?

A theory is just an idea of how things work a law is a theory already proven that applies anywhere just depending of the variables used in the law

What is the difference between natural law and scientific theory?

A natural law is an empirical observation held to be true. A theory explains why the law holds true.

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What are differentiate of theory and law?

A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of a natural phenomenon that is supported by evidence and can be used to make predictions. It is a broad explanation that may encompass multiple related hypotheses. In contrast, a scientific law is a statement that describes a consistently observed behavior in nature but does not explain the underlying reasons for that behavior. Laws are usually more specific and narrow in scope compared to theories.

What is a stature that enforces private right and liabilities as differentiate from criminal law?

Civil Law

What is the Difference between imperative theory and pure theory of law?

command of sovereign sanctioned by punishments is law by imperative theory and law as legal science of norms is by pure theory of law.

What comes first a law or theory?

In science, a theory typically comes before a law. A theory is an explanation of a natural phenomenon based on empirical evidence and repeated testing, while a law is a concise statement or equation that describes a specific relationship in nature. Theories can evolve into laws as more evidence is gathered.

Does a scientific law become a scientific theory?

A theory, when proven over time, can become a law. Example: Law of Gravity and Theory of Evolution

What are the characteristics that differentiate families from other social groups?

The charateristics that differentiate families from other social groups are law, education, lifestyle.

When was Pure Theory of Law created?

Pure Theory of Law was created in 1934.

What is the diffrence between scientific law and scientific theory?

A scientific law describes a consistent and universal relationship observed in nature, like the law of gravity. A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world based on evidence and reasoning, like the theory of evolution. Laws describe what happens, while theories explain why and how it happens.

How is a theory diffrent from a law?

A law is a description of a naturally occurring phenomenon, whereas a theory attempts to explain a law.

Why can't a theory become a law?

A law cannot become a theory, as laws are higher in scientific hierarchy than theories. Theories may become laws when the evidence for their factuality proves that the theory meets all established requirements set forth by the theory. If at any point in the scientific method a theory is disproven for the criteria that it sets forth, it can never be considered a Law. The hierarchy is thusly: Hypothesis < Theory < Law.

Is the Archimedes Principle a theory or a law?

It was a law not the theory because this principle has also proved by him.

How does a scientific law and a scientific theory relate?

A theory explains how something works - a "law" is just a thumb nail description of a theory.