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Large intestine reabsorbs water.

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Q: Digest a baked potato w butter starch cellulose fat list the enzymes and end products what they are absorbed as for the mouth pharynx esophagus sstomach small intesitne large intestine.?
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Tube carrying food from the mouth to he stomach?

The digestive system the esophagus. Food goes from your mouth and goes down your esophagus then to the stomach blood goes around the food and the liver takes what the blood absorbed down

Where are digested foods absorbed?

The digestion first starts in the mouth and the food is absorbed in the small intestine, and the water and minerals go to your large intestine:)learned this in biology, last week =)

Which organs allow nutients to be absorbed?

A small number of nutrients are absorbed in the stomach and large intestine but almost all are absorbed in the small intestine.

Where is water and min the blooderals from food absorbed into?

Nutrients are absorbed by the small intestine. water in absorbed into the large intestine.

In which process is fiber absorbed into the large intestine?

it is absorbed in the small intestine before it gets absorbed back into the large instestine.

Is fat absorbed directly into the bloodstream from the small intestine If Not Where is it absorbed?

Fats are absorbed in the small intestine, along with carbohydrates and proteins.

Where are nutrients absorbed in the digestive system?

AnswerSince most all nutrients that a human needs are absorbed via the digestive system. All carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are absorbed in the small intestine.AnswerThings are absorbed throughout the entire system, with the exception of the esophagus. Some glucose, for example, can be absorbed in the mouth. Water, alcohol, and some nutrients are absorbed in the stomach. Most nutrient absorption occurs in the small intestine. Water and some minerals and vitamins are absorbed in the colon. Most vitamin K is produced by bacteria in the colon and absorbed there.

What does a pig's cecum do?

The cecum houses a large number of bacteria that help in digestion of plant materials, mostly cellulose, that remains undigested in the stomach and small intestine. This is done by the process of fermentation that helps in breaking down the plant fibers. The nutrients from cellulose are later absorbed by the large intestine.

What is the common passage way for food?

The common passageway for food is the digestive system, which includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. Food is broken down and nutrients are absorbed along this pathway before waste is eliminated from the body.

What are the major organs that make up the digestive system?

Salivary glands, teeth, tongue, gums, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, pancreas, liver, gallbladder. They breakdown food so it can be absorbed by the cells of the body. What cannot be digested is eliminated as waste.

In which intestine are final nutrients absorbed?

In the small intestine, indeed this is where the vast majority of the nutrients are absorbed.

What intestine absorbed nutrients into bloodstream?

the small intestine