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Risk refers to the source of danger. It is a possibility of incurring some misfortune or loss. The concept of risk is very important as it helps provide cover.

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Q: Discuss the concept of risk and how it might be measured?
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Risk behavior can have negative consequences on individual health and well-being, leading to physical injuries, mental health issues, and increased susceptibility to diseases. It can also have broader societal impacts by contributing to social problems, such as crime, substance abuse, and healthcare costs. Engaging in risk behaviors can impair decision-making abilities and lead to long-term consequences that may affect relationships, work, and overall quality of life.

How does the concept of risk assessment apply to the security survey?

Risk assessment is crucial in a security survey as it helps identify potential threats and vulnerabilities within a system or environment. By evaluating risks, security professionals can prioritize areas that require mitigation measures to prevent security breaches, theft, or other incidents. This process helps in developing an effective security strategy that addresses the most critical risks first.

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A measure of the volatility, or systematic risk, of a security or a portfolio in comparison to the market as a whole.

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Interest rate risk is measured by time to maturity and coupon rate

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