

Distance earth to Jupiter

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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Jupiter is 365 million miles away from the Earth. However, this distance is always changing because both planets travel in an elliptical path around the sun.

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Earth and Jupiter orbit the sun at different distances and speeds so the distance from Earth to Jupiter itself varies a lot. On average, the distance of any moon of Jupiter to the Earth is the distance from Earth to Jupiter.

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The distance between Jupiter and Earth varies depending on their positions in their respective orbits. On average, the distance is about 778 million kilometers. At their closest approach (opposition), they can be as close as 365 million kilometers, and at their farthest (conjunction), the distance can be as far as 928 million kilometers.

How many miles is the earth to Europa?

Europa is a moon of Jupiter, so the distance will vary. However the approximate distance to Jupiter, from Earth is 365 million miles

Why is the distance from earth to Jupiter not exact but is an average?

The distance from Earth to Jupiter is not exact but is an average, because both planets orbit the Sun. The distance varies because at some times Jupiter and Earth will be on the same side of the Sun, but at other times they are on opposite sides of the Sun. Why_is_the_distance_from_earth_to_Jupiter_not_exact_but_is_an_average

What planet is 391 million miles from Earth?

Jupiter is approximately 391 million miles from Earth at its farthest distance.

How long would it take to travel to Europa if you traveled at the speed of light?

It would take about 40 minutes to travel from Earth to Europa at the speed of light, which travels at approximately 186,282 miles per second. Europa is one of Jupiter's moons, located about 390 million miles from Earth on average.

Jupiters distance from earth?

The average distance between Jupiter and Earth is about 484 million miles (778 million kilometers), with the distance varying due to the elliptical orbits of both planets. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and Earth is the third planet from the Sun.

What feature makes Jupiter different from earth?

The distance from the sun.

What is the distance between Jupiter and IO?

Io orbits Jupiter at a distance of 421,700 kilometres. Which si about 10% further than the Moon is from Earth.