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A scientific fact is a controlled, repeatable and/or rigorously verified observation.

A scientific law is a statement of an observed regularity among facts, often expressible as a simple mathematical relationship.


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Q: Distinguish between a scientific fact and a scientific law?
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How would you distinguish a scientific theory from a scientific law-?

A scientific theory is accepted as factual even though it hasn't been proven. A scientific law has been proven as fact.

How would you distinguish a scientific theory from a scientific law?

By not doing nothing

How would you distinguish scientific theory from a scientific law?

By not doing nothing

How would you distinguish a scientific theory from scientific law?

By not doing nothing

How would theory distinguish a scientific theory from a scientific law?

By not doing nothing

What are the difference between scientific theories and scientific laws?

law is based on fact theory is a concept/idea

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law is based on fact theory is a concept/idea

What are the difference between a theory and a scientific theory?

law is based on fact theory is a concept/idea

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Distinguish between a public law relationship and a private law relationship.

How wold you distinguish a scientific theory form a scientific law?

They're the same thing, but (usually) the "law" has an equation associated with it, while the "theory" is just a (verbal) discription.

What do you call a scientific hypothesis that is proven over and over again?

scientific fact or scientific law

Does scientific theory have more chemistry and physics than scientific law?

A scientific theory is a theory, no given proof of being a fact, a scientific law is what always happens, essentially a fact. Both is in chemistry and physics. The theory of gravitation happens before it became the Law of gravitation. Scientific theories and laws are similar except laws were proven to be recognize as a fact.