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CHCl3(chloroform) on warming with alc. KOH and aniline gives carbylamine having foul smell. while, CCl4 do not show the above test.

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Q: Distinguish between chloroform and carbon tetracholride?
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How will you distinguish between chloroform and carbon tetrachloride?

Well, they smell different, but boiling point, index of refraction, NMR or IR spectrum would be safer and more reliable methods.

Is boiling carbon tetracholride a chemical change?

Boiling is a physical phenomenon.

Is sulphur soluble in carbon tetrachloride?

yes it will because carbon tetracholride has more dence than sulfuric acid

What type of intermolecular force exists in carbon tetrachloride?

Dispersion forces only, because it's non-polar.

Will carbon tetrachloride sink in sulfuric acid?

yes it will because carbon tetracholride has more dence than sulfuric acid

Is chloroform polar as compared to carbon tetra chloride?

No. Chloroform is a NON polar solvent.

Is chloroform miscible with carbon tetrachloride?


What elements make up chloroform?

Carbon, Hydrogen and Chlorine. The Chloroform molecule is CHCl3 . Its modern IUPAC name is 'Trichloromethane'.

What will form a solution with chloroform?

Chloroform is miscible with ethanol, carbon tetrachloride, benzene, diethyil ether etc.

Which test is used to distinguish between carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide?

Gases can be passes into lime water.Only CO2 turns it into milky

How many elements is chloroform made up of?

Chloroform is known as trichloromethane. It has a formula of CHCl4. So, the elements are Carbon, Hydrogen and Chlorine.

What is the chemical composition of chloroform?

CH(Cl3) - carbon plus hydrogen plus chlorine. In other words, a chloroform molecule is a single carbon atom with one hydrogen atom and three chlorine atoms attached to it.