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Q: Distinguish between primary and secondary distribution of overheads?
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Primary is the part that originally has all of the supplies, such as the distributor. The secondary would be the store that is selling the products.

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Normal distribution is the continuous probability distribution defined by the probability density function. While the binomial distribution is discrete.

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Primary electrical distribution carries medium voltage power to distribution transformers near the customers. Secondary electrical distribution transfers the power from the transformer to the households.

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Variable overhead cost variance is that variance which is in variable overheads costs between the standard cost and the actual variable cost WHILE fixed overheads cost variance is variance between standard fixed overhead cost and actual fixed overhead cost.

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how can you distinguish between them

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The difference is rimary data is information personally or originally collected that has not been studied. Secondary data is information already collected, examined and concluded.

Distinguish between a primary wave and a secondary wave?

A primary wave is a strong vibration or wave that hits earths surface (P) and a secondary wave (S) is a wave that hits soon after but not nearly as big.

What size cable is used for the high voltage connections between the source primary distribution center and the secondary distribution centers?

#1/0 5-KV insulated aluminum cable

What is limit of cable run between a secondary distribution center and a power distribution panel if wanting to keep voltage drop below 10 percent for the facility being energized?

150 feet