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Q: Divides the class Insects into more than one part?
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Which class do termites belong to?

Termites belong to the class Insecta, which makes them insects.

Are earthworms insects?

No they are not. They do not have 6 legs. They are part of a phylum called Annelida. In that phylum they are in a class called Clitellata. In contrast, insects are part or the phylum Arthropoda and the class Insecta,

Is insect a kingdom?

There is actually two: a Preymantis and a stink bug

Is a butterfly apart of the class crustacea?

Crustaceans are part of the phylum arthropoda along with insects, centipedes, and spiders. Sea butterflies are class gastropoda of phylum Mollusca along with sails and slugs. Butterflies are insects.

What is the genus for insects?

The genus for insects varies depending on the specific species. Some common genera for insects include Apis for bees, Drosophila for fruit flies, and Anopheles for mosquitoes.

What divides the class Insecta into more than one part?

The class Insecta is divided into more than one part based on the different orders of insects within the class. Orders are determined by distinct physical characteristics and behaviors exhibited by insects, leading to their classification into separate groupings.

Is a butterfly a species?

No. Butterflies are part of the class of insects. There are at least seven different families in the Butterflies, and several species within each of those families.

Are insects part of one species?

Insects actually have more than one specie. Insects are a life group. For example, a specie would be predator insects, which is one specie. Insects actually have more than one specie. Insects are a life group. For example, a specie would be predator insects, which is one specie. THERE ARE 19,000 DIFFERENT SPECIES

What group of animals are spiders part of?

Spiders belong to the class Arachnida, which includes other arachnids such as scorpions, ticks, and mites. They are distinct from insects, which belong to the class Insecta.

Lake Michigan divides this state into 2 sections?

michigan. it divides the island part and the actual land.

What divides the class insecta into morethan one part?

The class Insecta can be further divided into orders based on specific characteristics such as mouthparts, wing structure, and developmental stages. Orders like Diptera (flies) and Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) are examples of different groupings within the class Insecta.

What class of animals has three-part bodies and six legs?

Insects have six legs, and their bodies are divided into three parts - head, thorax and abdomen.