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A:It is probably possible to interpret these verses as references to UFOs and aliens, but remember that in the first and second centuries, no one had ever heard of these phenomena and would have been unlikely to have written about them. You should look for a more straightforward and likely explanation.

Written around the end of the first century, long after Peter and Paul had died, Acts of the Apostles can be seen as a correction of the earlier historical record. In his own epistles, the Apostle Paul had described how he personally asserted the rights of gentile converts to Christianity not to obey Jewish dietary laws or undergo painful circumcision. The author of Acts was about to change this record and attribute these changes to Peter, acting under divine guidance. This seems part of a deliberate attempt to lower the perceived importance of Paul to the early Church, in favour of Peter. For these purposes, an angel appeared (Acts 10:3) to Cornelius, who sent men to Joppa, where Peter could be found. Peter was saying his morning prayers and, being hungry, fell into a trance in which he too saw an angel and many forms of animals in a vessel (Acts 10:11). The angel told Peter that he (and therefore Christians) could eat any of these animals. In verse 30, Cornelius is simply describing the angel portrayed as appearing to him earlier, in verse 3. Angels were a concept understood at the time of writing, and the author was using this concept to impart his message.

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Q: Do Acts chapter 10 verses 11 and 30 refer to a UFO and an alien?
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