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Q: Do American PitBulls grow a winter coat?
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What causes dogs to grow a winter coat?

Dogs grow thicker winter coats to keep warmer in winter. The signal for dogs to grow their winter coats is the length of daylight each day; as it declines, the dog's body reacts by growing a thicker coat.

Which of the following causes a horse to grow a winter coat?

If the horse is exposed to the colder weather, his body knows that it is time to grow a winter coat. However if he is blanketed and/or stalled, he will not be exposed to the weather, or not exposed very much, and therefore won't grow a very good winter coat because he has no reason to.Normally the change of seasons, but a winter coats keeps them warm and cozy during winter!!!

How hairy can a horse get?

OK strange question, but the hairiest they can get is in the winter. When they grow their winter coat. That is how hairy they can get.

How does a rabbit change in winter?

They shed there summer coat off and grow a snow-white coat. This helps them camouflage when predator are near.

Why would animal's coat change during the winter and summer?

they grow a thicker coat during the winter because its so cold then loss it in the summer so they don't over heat

Do collies cast?

My collie DOSE cast but only twice a year. Before the spring/summer (to take of the winter coat) and before the autumn/winter (to take of the summer coat and to grow in a thick winter coat) if you brush your dog during this peiroud i really dose help!

Do cows change coats is with the season?

The actuall patern would not change, but in winter it would have a thick coat, autumn losing the coat, summer normal coat (thin), spring, begining to grow the thicker coat again.

What camouflage does a snow hare have?

The white fur blends perfectly with the snow of it habitat.

What do animals do to the changing weather when they stay active?

Animals that stay active during the winter days grow a winter coat, which is thicker fur then they have during the warmer seasons.

Do cocker spainels have a winter coat?

No, they dont really have a winter coat, but in the summer months and spring, you are meant to have your Cocker Spaniels coat cut, so they arnt to warm in the sun, but over winter just let it grow naturally. The reason you need to cut the hair of a Cocker Spaniel is because they dont malt (meaning there hair doesnt fall out naturally)!

How do you protect cats inwinter?

They will protect themselves. In the winter they grow a coarser coat of fur, which is why they shed more in the spring. :-) Hope I helped!

Do horses molt?

Yes, horses Shed there Fur twice a year, Once in the spring and once in autumn. This is so the thicker winter coat can grow in over the cooler months and the lighter Summer coat over the summer months, Imagine if they didn't shed there coat and they had there winter coat all year around, every time they are ridden in summer would be like going for a run in a trench coat!