

Do Americans support same-sex marriage

Updated: 8/16/2019
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9y ago

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Some recent polls:

A 2014 Washington Post/ABC News poll shows 59% of American voters nationwide support the freedom to marry, there was majority support even in states without same sex marriage rights.

A 2014 Washington Post/ABC News poll of Republicans found 40% support marriage for same sex couples and that figure jumped to 64% for self-described moderates.

Polls by Alex Lundry found that 64% of Evangelical millenials support same sex marriage.

A 2013 New York Times/CBS News poll of Catholics found 62% favor legalizing marriage for same sex couples.

A 2013 Quinnipiac poll shows 63% of Hispanics support same sex marriage.

Support for same sex marriage has increased in all 50 states over the past eight years.


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9y ago

Yes. A Rand survey released in January 2015 showed that 62.4% of Americans support the legalization of same-sex marriage.

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