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The Bible is the world's 'best seller' and has a worldwide distribution. It is read by people of every ethnic background and genealogy.

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Q: Do Arab people use the Bible?
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Are the Sudanese Arab people?

Yes, the Sudanese people are Arab...

Why do people use the Bible?

People Use The Bible For Many Reasons. Sometimes For Work (Vicar, Preist). Some people Feel That They Are Doing Justice And Showing God That They Respect Him/Her.

Is Arab an offensive word?

No. It can be but only if you mean it in an offensive way. Arab is what an Arab person is. Just please say Arab and not A-rab. A-rab is offensive to some people. Well , Arab is just a word that points to a group of people . It is like the words Spanish , African , American , British , Australian. It has nothing to do with offensive. Some people may use it sometimes thinking it diminishes a person , or thinking it is a synonym of terrorist . Well it is not.

When did people began to use the names in the Bible?

for ever

How much is a Arab?

if you mean Arab noun.n.A member of a Semitic people inhabiting Arabia, whose language and Islamic religion spread widely throughout the Middle East and northern Africa from the seventh century.A member of an Arabic-speaking people.An Arabian horse.[French Arabe, from Latin Arabs, from Greek Araps, Arab-, from Arabic 'Arab.]Arab Ar'ab adj.then you have a problem with English language because as you see Arab is a member of a Semitic people inhabiting Arabia . in addition using two vowels after each other (a Arab) is considered as wrong use of grammatical use.

Muhammad unified the Arab people and both politically through what religion?

Muhammad unified by Arab people by the power of prayer and his speeches. It was under the Islamic religion in which he unified the Arab people.

What were Baruch Spinoza views on the Bible?

The bible was not written by God. It was written by people for their use at a certain time and place.

What does People of the Book mean?

Muslims use it to refer to Christians and their bible.

What do you call a person from an Arab country?

Most are defamatory & use should not be encouraged.

Who lives in the Arab World?

Arab people most of them are Muslims & some are Christians.

Why do you have the living Bible?

Some people like to learn new religions so people use the bible. It's worth 800 point on Accelerated Reader.

What Bible verse can you use for science project on Magnets?

it is somewhere in the bible try reading the whole thing you lazy people