

Do Araucana's lay brown eggs

Updated: 8/19/2019
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10y ago

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No. True Araucanas lay blue eggs.

Mixed breed easter egger or EE chickens can lay eggs of almost any color.

Brown eggs from a "Araucana" suggests mixed breed.

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10y ago
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Q: Do Araucana's lay brown eggs
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a regular chicken- all chickens lay brown egges! No, not all chickens lay brown eggs. There are lots of breeds which lay white or creamy-white shelled eggs, and a few which lay blue or olive-green shelled eggs (Araucanas, Ameraucanas & Crested Legbars). Among those which do lay brown eggs, there are variations from breeds which lay light brown eggs (sometimes called 'tinted'), through various shades of mid-brown, to a few breeds which lay very dark brown eggs: Marans, Welsummers & Penedesencas.

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It depends, some just say they're in love when they lay brown eggs, but its mainly their emotions when they lay the eggs. I hope it helped

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Some breeds of chicken can lay blue eggs - they are the Araucana and Ameraucana. Both lay blue eggs - and purebreds are very rare - especially the Araucana. However, EasterEggers (a mutt chicken, with a blue egg-laying ancestor) can lay blue or green eggs, but do not meet the standards for Araucanas or Ameraucanas.