

Do Asian men have straight pubic hair?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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12y ago

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Some do some don't. Just like us.

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Q: Do Asian men have straight pubic hair?
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No. Many straight men shave their pubic hair for hygienic and aesthetic reasons.

Do most gay men like pubic hair or no pubic hair?

I would say very little if not none but that's just me

Do women like it when men shave their pubic hair?

Yes, men like women with pubic hair. All adult women have pubic hair, thus a man who is attracted to adult women (rather than children) likes to see an adult womans body. Some men may have a preference to their partners removing their pubic hair, but all men should expect and respect that adult women have pubic hair.

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No, pubic hair is a complete turn-off for men

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Oh yes definitely

Is hair supposed to grow on mens penis?

No, hair does not grow on the penis itself, but it does grow around the base of the penis and on the scrotum. This hair growth begins at puberty. Some men chose to remove this hair by shaving as a matter of style or cleanliness.

Why do Asian men not have facial hair?

low level of testosterone .

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Can girls cut pubic hair?

First of all it helps to keep the vagina clean and mostly during periods, most men prefer having intercourse with a woman who has shaved pubic hair, it is considered sexy by the woman herself and/or her partner, it helps to keep the pubic area dry either from sweating and last but not least; for some women the pubic hair can make the vagina sore during friction and/or hair pulling during sex.

Do men like women to shave their pubic hairs?

What men like is irrelevant.Aside from the fact not all men share one hive brain, their preferences do not impact on how women personally chose to groom themselves. The fact is that adult women are supposed to have pubic hair, it's part of the role of pubic hair to protect the genitals and pubic hair is a sign of sexual maturity. Most adult men want a sexual partner who looks like a sexually mature adult, not like a pre-pubescent child.

Not wearing underwear for men is harmful?

Only if they get their penis, scrotum, or pubic hair caught in their pants zipper.

What happent to men when period happens?

they start to grow pubic hair/hair, their pits stink , you get spots on your face (zits) your voice cracks.