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Yes. Hanukkah is a minor holiday that commemorates the victory of the Jews against the Assyrian-Greeks in the Maccabean War of 165 BCE.


No, Assyria had ceased to exist a couple of centuries before the events of Hanukkah. It's "Syrian-Greeks," not "Assyrian." This strange error has been copied on from one answerer to the next, and I've gone back and corrected many of them.

The Syrian-Greeks were identical with the Seleucids. They began after the death of Alexander, when his empire became divided into Macedonia, the Seleucid Empire, the Ptolemaic empire, and the kingdom of Pergamon.

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No, there is not.

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What are the gifts called that children traditionally receive on Hanukkah?

The only traditional gift on Hanukkah is Hanukkah gelt (the coins given to one's children).See also the Related Link.More about Hanukkah

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There are no special drinks on hanukkah. Drink whatever you want.

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There are no traditional colors for Hanukkah candles. They can be anything.

Are Jews forced to celebrate Hanukkah?

No. No one is forced to do anything. Hanukkah is celebrated voluntarily because it's a joyful festival and a religious occasion of thanksgiving to God.

What type of gift do you give a one yr. old on the celebration of his first Hanukkah?

Anything you would give a one year old for a birthday would also be acceptable for Hanukkah. There are no rules about Hanukkah presents. The only traditional gift during Hanukkah is the gelt (coins) given to children, from about the age of three.

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No direct connection, though there are stories of Jews who risked their life to light a Hanukkah-menorah despite the Nazis' hatred and punishments of anything Jewish.

Why should you take apart in hanukka?

You don't take anything apart during the Hanukkah celebration.

Can Hanukkah presents be like Christmas presents?

Hanukkah presents are a sign of assimilation; a recent invention designed to make storekeepers more wealthy and to imitate the season's Christmas presents. There is no such Jewish concept, other than the traditional gelt (coins) given to one's children.