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You bet birds and mammals evolved from early reptiles.

The archaeopteryx is a great example of an intermediate species between birds and reptiles, displaying the characteristics of both in a well preserved fossil.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

It is believed that birds developed from reptiles during the Mesozoic era. Birds and dinosaurs have many common, yet unique, skeletal features. Similarities in the forelimbs are the most striking resemblances.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Birds evolved from reptiles because a certain group of dinosaurs (who were reptiles) started growing feathers and eventually learned to fly. Birds evolved from theropods, a group of carnivorous dinosaurs who walked on two legs.

The Late Jurassic Archaeopteryx is well-known as one of the first transitional fossils to be found, and it provided support for the theory of evolution in the late 19th century. Archaeopteryx has clearly reptilian characteristics: teeth, clawed fingers, and a long, lizard-like tail, but it has finely preserved wings with flight feathers identical to those of modern birds. It is not considered a direct ancestor of modern birds, but is the oldest and most primitive known member of Aves or Avialae, and it is probably closely related to the real ancestor

It is believed that these dinosaurs grew feathers at first just to keep warm, but eventually they became specialized for flight as these dinosaurs grew smaller and became lighter.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Birds are the result of evolution from dinosaurs which were in turn evolved from reptiles. Many dinosaurs have been found with bird like features such as feathers and rudimentary wings.

As to the why did they evolve in this manner, that is covered by the general pressures for survivial. Whatever conditions existed some 70 million years ago gave being bird-like characteristics a distinct edge to the survival of the species that led to birds. These survivors passed on their characteristics to their modern descendants.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Birds are thought to be developed from reptiles based on fossil discoveries, mostly from northeastern China. It appears that the reptiles started standing up straight, then developed a flight response from the feathers that they grew. The feathers appeared to have started in the tail region.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Actually the opposite, birds are descendants of dinosaurs.

Answer:Birds do have many features in common with theropods (bipedal carnivorous dinosaurs) which suggests that they had a common ancestor. It is generally believed that this ancestor was a dinosaur but there is an alternate school of thought that suggests it was a bird, i.e. that theropod dinoaurs evolved from ancient birds that became flightless (see related links).

Looking back in time through the theropod fossil record, these dinosaurs appear to be more bird-like the further back in time you look. Raptors are known to have had feathers and were fairly bird-like, but Archaeopteryx was much more bird-like and lived much earlier and may have been an ancestor of the raptors. There is also a controversial fossil called Protoavis that was dated even earlier and was more bird-like still, with hollow bones like modern birds.

So birds may have been around throughout the mesozoic era and even pre-date the dinosaurs. We have little record of them though because their hollow bones decompose very easily so are less likely to leave fossils. We do have some very ancient bird footprints though (see 3rd link).
Dinosaurs did not come from birds, however modern birds are thought to be the descendants of dinosaurs.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

birds were really reptiles before during the jurrasic period because at that time they had scales which is seen on reptiles like snakes of today.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

No, does ekans evolve into pidgeotto, I think not.

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Q: Do Birds evolved from dinosaur's.
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No. Dinosaurs evolved from reptiles. Birds evolved from dinosaurs.

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Birds are thought to have evolved from bipedal dinosaurs.

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Birds are more like dinosaurs to the extent that many scientists say that they are dinosaurs.

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The general consensus is that they evolved from a group of small theropod dinosaurs.

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Both. If you think about it, birds evolved from dinosaurs, and some think birds are the only living dinosaurs left.

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they didn't. they evolved into birds.

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No. It's the other way around. A branch of the dinosaurs evolved into birds.

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