

Do Buddhists get so deep in meditation they float?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Meditation does not impact the laws of gravitation - so no, meditating Buddhists don't levitate.

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Q: Do Buddhists get so deep in meditation they float?
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How do Buddhists calm their minds so they can think clearly?

Meditation. If you want to know a bit more about meditation, I suggest you read Ajahn Sumedho's 'Mindfulness - the Path to the Deathless'.

Why non-Buddhists might choose practice of meditation?

Meditation was around before buddhism was even founded. Anyone is welcome to practice meditation, whether you have a religion or not. It all depends on the choice of the person, meditation can be used as prayer, a time to think, empty the mind, etc... so if someone finds meditation useful for them they are welcome to use it. For the same reasons that buddhist's use it for or not. Hope that helped.

What is so specific about Buddhism's meditation?

Buddhists become in tune with their souls/inner being. They're focused on improving themselves instead of hoping a higher being will do it for them.

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If you are looking to open your own place for meditation, please, make sure you have a deep, deep experience of meditation. If you are offering relaxation therapy, *you* should not be looking for anything. You should be so content, so blissful, that it is over-flowing; so that you have it to give to others.

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They have air trapped inside so they should float.

Do Zen Buddhists use visual aids?

If you mean as a meditation aid, no, there is no visual imagery in Zen Buddhism. Obviously, statues and so on can be helpful reminders, but I don't think that was the point of your question.

What do Buddhists use to meditate?

In addition to understanding how to meditate, you do not need anything. However, a meditation cushion (called a "zafu") or a meditation bench is extremely helpful. The second most important piece of equipment would be a buttonless mat to put under your knees and the zafu or bench. Other items such as a sitting robe, a timer, incense, and so on can also be very helpful.

What do buddhism people listen to?

There are a number of differnt meditation methods. the focus of most of these methods is to focus single pointed concetration on one thing, such as your breath, so listening to music at the same time would be counter-productive. The type of meditation include: There is insight (Vipassana) meditation, which typical uses the breath or bodily sensations as the focus of attention. Typicall we use a quiet space for this meditation, but it doesn't have to be perfectly quiet. There is Sound meditation which uses ambient sound, but music can be used. There is walking meditation, which focuses attention on the feet and body while walking.

What do Buddhism worship?

Buddhism is more a style of life than a god-based religion with a Sabbath. (Which is more common to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.) So, Buddhists don't actually worship anybody, but rather attempt to reach a state in which their minds are completely detached from the world around them through meditation. This could be described as total peace, in non-Buddhist terminology. Buddhists typically spend as much time per day, every day, as they can in meditation.

Where are buddhisms places of worship?

Buddhists do not worship any gods or beings, so the term worship as applied to what we Buddhists do is incorrect. We practice putting the teachings of the Buddha into every action, every thought and every word spoken. One of our main practices is meditation. We have temples were monks and nuns live and practice together and have group meditations.

What days do Buddhists medtitate or worship?

Some Buddhists meditate all day every day (the monks living in the forest, mainly found in china do that). Others meditate twice a day, once in the morning and once in the night and on full moons. Some meditate only once a day, and some only meditate when they have time to do so. But it is really not specific, but most buddhists try to always meditate on the night of a full moon. And the meditation is worship.

What is the meaning of Meditation?

To meditate is to enter a state of complete mental relaxation. it is the act of calming and emptying the mind either to achieve spiritual relaxation or to think about things philosophically. It is often practised by spiritualists and Buddhists.