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Not in one where the bluebirds already are nesting, but wrens are cavity nesters, and will nest in unoccupied bluebird houses.

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Q: Do Carolina Wrens nest in bluebird nests?
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Related questions

What are some enemies of the bluebird?

House sparrows and wrens often compete with bluebirds for the same nesting house. Often time sparrows will break bluebird eggs or make another nest over the current bluebird nest.

When wrens have had their first brood do you take out the nest?

After the young have left the nest, remove it. Wrens won't re-nest on the old one.

When should bluebird houses be cleaned out?

Clean them once the bluebird abandons the nest; usually after the babies leave the nest. If a sparrow or other bird starts making a nest over the current bluebird nest remove the materials of the nest in process. Do not clean out the bluebird house if the bluebird is still using the nest.

What type of nests do wrens live in?

North American Wrens which there are 9 types, are secretive. They (House Wren, Carolina Wren, Rock Wren, Canyon Wren) will nest in holes, trees and birdhouses. The Marsh Wren makes a globe-shaped nest which are attached to plants just above the water. Cacus Wren builds a nest shaped like a football in cacti.

What is the plural form of the word nest?

The plural posessive form is nests'.

How many times do wrens nest per season?

Wrens will typically nest 2 times per their nesting season, which is April through July. The male wren actually builds the nest of twigs and sticks, and the wren will either accept it reject it. If rejected, the male will have to build another nest.

What is the name of a rat's nest?

A rats nests name is a rats nest

Do cactus wrens live in the desert?

Cactus wrens usually nest in the cholla cactus. This very spiny cactus provides protection for their eggs and young from predators such as snakes.

What time of year does a Mountain Bluebird nest?

at the new year of the janurary

Where do tree kangaroos make their nest?

tree kangaroose make there nests make there nests on the ground

What are bluebird trails?

Bluebird trails are lines of bluebird houses. There could be four house in a row or there could be hundreds. It gives many bluebirds a safe place to nest and lay eggs.

What is plural for nest?

The plural is nests. Note: no apostrophe.