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Some; Not All Like Any Other Culture

By: RickiRozay

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Q: Do Chinese people have small feet?
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Why was their Chinese foot binding?

people at that time thought that small feet looked better.

Why do the Chinese like small feet?

The Chinese like small feet because it was seen as a status symbol that allowed the women to marry husbands who had money and influence. The smaller feet were considered beautiful.

What men find attractive in Japanese women?

i think this is for Chinese or Japanese. small feet.

Do Japanese people bind their feet?

No, this was a Chinese practice, not Japanese.

Why did Chinese women bind their feet?

Chinese women had their feet bound because they thought it was fashionable.

In the past why were chinese women's feet bound?

The culture in chine prized small feet, women sought to be considered attractive so they did this to themselves.

What is the differences in appearance with Japanese and Chinese?

Chinese people have slightly longer index fingers and Japanese people have much larger feet. Also, it is more common amongst Chinese people to be born with blond hair.

How do you say feet in Chinese?

腳(jiow)is feet in chinese.

Why were ancient Chinese eyes narrow?

it was just the way they were born

Why were the girls feet bound?

The women bound their feet because in ancient China (and possibly a little now) they believed small feet where beautiful. So they bound the women's feet usually in early childhood breaking their toes and preventing running and jumping

Why do Chinese people keep there feet about 3 inchise long?

they think it is really funny

Why are Chinese people small?

I guessed it 's because most of the families are big, so there are not enough food for everyone. Not all chinese people are small. Yao Ming was 7'6, and he was about a foot taller than a door.